Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Speaker Mark: The Documentarian Experience

The day I learned about documentaries from this man was the day I truly learned about documenting something or someone's life. I thought that it was simple as asking questions and getting answers, but I fully realized that it is about capturing someone or something all the way down and letting their voices or work be heard. I learned about students from South Dallas getting an once in a lifetime chance on going to another country. It was truly remarkable that this man captured all of that with one camera! It was also very informative about the way our flood system works underground. Who would've known that was right under Uptown? I realize it isn't just b-roll or close ups on the face it is about catching the little stuff that you weren't really supposed to see. It is about being invisible for the moment. That is why I really now see I love documentaries. The are the closest thing to reality.

Four Years: Graduation

As the time for my graduation nears, I search for something similar to how I feel. Anxious, nervous, and nausea are all the feelings I am experiencing. I feel like a finally succeeded and I need to be sure that I make it to that day. The dropout rate may have decreased from about 25% in 2007 to 12% in 2011, but we still have that high amount and I personally understand how hard it is to actually make it to the end, especially without a strong support system.

The past four years have probably been the worst four years of my life and the most rewarding. "anything worth having ever comes easy." has been the life lesson I have followed and that is why I still try and make it. It has been a long journey and honestly I have not waited this long for something to be over ever in my life. I need it to finish, so I can be done with the storm. I am ready for the rainbow. Metaphorically of course.

Fourth Year

by: Nobody's girl
Four years have gone
And something's well done
It's not just the book
but the courage I took....
To have come this far
and winning the war
Of sleepless nights I battle
with my notes I patiently handle....
Through the rain and the sun
my school life's been fun
For the friends I made
half the weather is paid...
From the guards on the gate
and the bus drivers who wait
To the instructors who inspire
my grades got a little higher...
I'll come to acknowledge
for you all have given me advantage
To learn my lessons either ways
For both hard and easy pays...
I was neither disobedient
nor a student that obedient
But school life will be a miss
Along with people I used to tease...
Now I'll go and be on my own
Four long years I have grown
To be someone worthy of recognition
So now, it's time for my graduation.

Four Years
By: LaDarria Arnold

The years pass by slow
and many times
I have anticipated death
I wish those dangerous years
Have been a better time
But if they were
then what would I be proud of
The struggle to success
has been empowering
and I am glad
It has not been a breeze
because now I can honestly say
I am ready to take on the next journey

As the new chapter approaches, I feel the need to reflect on the years that I have overcome and conquered. It has been my goal since birth to make it this far and say"I did it". I'm almost there now.
This poem has been a reflection of my four years and why I am glad to have made it thus far. I plan on succeeding in college, but one never knows what the future holds. It is a quiet mystery I want to be apart of because once that peaks reaches I will be able to make another poem about the experiences to come. LaDarria Out.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Into the Abyss: Texas vs. Death Penalty

From the story of Jerry, a person convicted of a crime he did when he was young, is facing death penalty. Ten years later he is suffering the consequences of a juvenile mind. In the story Jerry and his friend attempted to steal a car, red Camero, from a local guy by manipulation, but due to the guys absence a new plan was conjured up. They decided to kill the mother and take the car. Modern day grand theft auto one may say. The crimes they committed were horrific and due justice, but the death penalty has never been something I've agreed with. My reasons are:
  1. Two wrongs never makes a right.
  2. The anticipation of death is worst than the actual killing of a human that didn't know.
Jerry and his friend killed multiple people, 3 to be exact, mainly because they knew they could get away with it. In small towns youth have little to do and that would make youth go mad. It is crazy, but the city is, in most opinions, safer than rural areas.  I noticed from looking at the boy's interview he seemed pretty calm and relaxed about his sentence that would take place thirteen days later, but I know he is as scared as anyone could be in that situation. Jerry's attitude demonstrates emotionlessness to what is to come which suggests that he is trying to come to terms with what is to come in less than two weeks. 
The death penalty has been used by Texas judicial system since the dawn of time, and we have yet to get rid of it like other states. Why? Because Texas is full of hubris leaders that make rash judgment calls that don't really help us become better, but continue to oppress us. This kid should not get the death penalty, but be reformed into a healthy individual. Jerry's look suggested a since of mental instability which should not be taking lightly. Again, Jerry is and will forever be wrong for the hurt he caused to families, but the death penalty will never be a solution to the crimes he committed, only teach people the "eye from an eye" concept that has been outdated for centuries. Therefore, the death penalty will always be immoral in my mind.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Tragedy+Time= HUMOR

A Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

In the historical notes, the professors from the future of the society, which is no longer a dystopia, tend to make fun of or mock the past society. "The Underground Female Road since dubbed by some of our historical wags, The Underground Frail Road (laughter, groans)" suggests the feel of "humor is tragedy plus time". An understanding is revealed through this shorter quote because these professors freely joke about the past demonstrating apathy. Any moral human would not be able to joke about something that horrific unless it happened far back in time. Even through the voice of the professor speaking can a perceive a mocking tone or low hum of laughter in what is being said by the professors.

The abrupt switch in ideas reflect on the idea that they are mocking the past. When a person typically makes fun of something, a person typically switch topics in height of the joke to not feel like a "jerk"  which is being demonstrated and suggested by the professors in the historical notes by the third and forth paragraph. Also the quote "I hesitate to use the word document." gives a sense of  doubt or disbelief to what is being said by the professor. The continuation of mocking and doubt suggest that the words coming out of their mouth is similar o that of a "tall tale" or a "old myth" rather than "true tragedy which allows them o be insensitive and uncaring of their behavior.

Many people tend to forget and not fully comprehend the severity of the past. These handmaid's paved the way for the future generations, like the professors, to not have to endure suffering. People joke and laugh, but the insensitivity of the scholarly people is rather insulting since the maturity level and intelligence level of the professors should be higher than most. I, being a person from the outside looking in would think that they were not as smart as they really are/ or supposed to be. All in all the quote "humor is tragedy plus time" is an incorrect source of reasoning for people to be apathetic to past situations rather than accept and come to terms with it. People rather block something out than actually face it.

Also another reason why people make fun of history is to try to jade people's mind into thinking, that situation is not as serious and should not be taken as seriously. It is the way to keep people unaware of what happened to keep them oppressed. Maybe the professors want the society to come back. I am not sure, but not knowing your history or not fully understanding will always keep people ignorant and not in control of themselves fully. I know this argument seems weird, but when people do not know where they came from, they tend to not strive to be better and that is when oppression rises. That is why one should never joke with the past because it truly does affect one's future. Enough said.

(I do not think this is right, but I feel like this is the attitude of the professor's in the historical notes!)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Handmaid's Tale Chapter 34-37 Quote Explicated.

"We believed in it, this downward motion: so lovely, like flying, and yet at same time so dire, so extreme, so unlikely. God is love, they once said, but we reversed hat, and love, like heaven, was always just around the corner."  Chap 35 Paragraph 8

This quote is broken down into four literary devices: imagery, simile, repetition, and point of view. When the pronoun "we" is used, a direct connection is brought into the quote. One can see that this is a personal view on the subject emphasizing the deep feeling that cannot be conveyed through a person outside looking in. The imagery presented in the short two sentence quote elaborates on how deep the feeling really is. We can see that "love" is not something that is experienced often in this society, so just having the opportunity to experience love gives the handmaids the experience of imagination and hope. Something that was oppressed by their dystopian society. The similes "like flying" and "like heaven" are completely parallel to love giving an idea or analogy to what being in love or experiencing love is like. When they use "like flying" it can be expressed that love is similar to being up high and soaring above it all. Most likely above the hate and torment the handmaids and women of less power (non-wives) had to endure. It was like an escape mechanism. Also with the simile "like heaven" explains that love is like  an utopia since heaven is the symbol of perfect living which is also something they cannot really speak on. These similes suggests that love is their only escape away from the world that they live in. Lastly repetition is used throughout the quote as well. The use of "so" allows there to be a highlight to what is being described, love. By adding "so" to the beginning of certain adjectives it allows there to be more expression which elevates what the narrator, the handmaid is trying to say. This gives more imagery to the tone of the quote. It is understood that love is allowing these women to gain hope and want more for themselves and since it "was always just around the corner" it allowed for them to gain a little bit of prosperity in their minds to know that there is something more than just hate and suppression. Love was their way out.  

Friday, March 8, 2013

American Psycho: EPIC FILM

Christian Bale’s performance in the movie American Psycho directed by Mary Harron was an absurd film based off a whimsical dream a man was having because he was bored with his own life. It was very strange and uncomfortable to view what was going on in his mind. The murderous acts he committed to fellow coworkers and homeless people to the sexual acts he attempts with hookers off the street. Christian Bale really took on this role and made me see what he sees. It was scary when I realized it was all a dream only because now he could make it a reality.  The intense scenes were you could hear his inner thoughts were quite disturbing, but that was supposed to be the general feeling. The uncomfortable feeling is super strong in this film. I love that the director was a woman as well, because you could see that she really tried to take a new direction with the style of the movie. The fact that she achieved this feeling out of me makes her a true director because not once did I stop looking around or feeling awkward and not once did I think this was a horrible movie. It’s strange that that was evoked. I was uncomfortable, but I liked it. Also the scenes of routine from his exercising regime to his beauty routine were all contributing aspects to how he was: creepy. I didn’t enjoy watching it, but it was genius.

Dead Man Down: the epic thriller

Just saw a promotional video at the Angelika Film Center and Cafe. The movie was Dead Man Down directed by Niels Arden Oplev. It was one of the most action packed thrillers I have ever seen. I have yet to see in the months I've been working at my theater or going to other theaters a movie as action packed as this one. Terrence Howard made me hate him. That's why I love him so much because he can make you feel utter disgust for him in one film and total love in another. He is probably one of the strongest black actors I have ever seen. Also the man who played the protagonist Colin Farrel was so calm throughout the whole film which added to the suspense because not until you get close to the end do you realize why he has waited so long to attempt to kill his enemy: Because he wants to see him suffer. Victor [Colin] wants to witness the agony of his victim. THAT WAS SOOOO FREAKING CLEVER!!!! I don't really enjoy thrillers too much because of the immense cliche's and gore, but Dead Man Down makes you feel for the the protagonist and the ingenue/hurt girl.