Friday, December 14, 2012

The Tempest-Realistic Power

In Act Two of The Tempest by William Shakespeare, four characters Gonzolo, Sebastian, and Stephano are three would-be kings and have three different approaches to how the will gain that authority. I am going to explain each of their approaches and which one is the best, the most realistic, and the most complicated.

Gonzolo's appeal to a utopian society deems him the best because of it suggests that he is striving for a perfect society which shows his will to serve the people as well as himself. In the Tempest, Gonzolo is one of the three would-be kings and if I were a person who was able to choose their king (which is not at all the case in a monarchy society) I would choose Gonzolo. Gonzolo's peaceful attempt to create an utopian society is, although gravely impossible, light hearted and hopeful which is something citizens would need in a king.

Sebastian's theory, in the Tempest, to murder his way to power is the most probable and realistic way to obtain power. Although murder is very much wrong, it puts fear in the hearts of the regular people and the powerful people who would have the authority to exile the king. In the movie Law Abiding Citizen, the protagonist puts fear into the hearts of all the courts, cops, judges, and strong willed prisoners. All to prove a point. This man gained powers that no else could ever think of or imagine. That is the same idea Sebastian is trying to take as he conspires with Antonio.

Stephano's exploitation through the use of wine, is a great plan, but will inevitably backfire. Since Stephano is the only person with any sort of access to wine,  he is trying to gain power by distributing it. I would compare Stephano to a drug dealer. A drug dealer has all the drugs, money, women, and power over his consumers. Through all this lovely power, it will always be that one person that will try to challenge that wondrous power. Many times in real life drug dealers are faced with the fact that at anytime they could lose their life due to someone wanting their power. This will be Stephano's fate if he uses this path to obtain leadership.